
更新时间:2013-05-17 00:00:00 来源:PRWEB 作者: 浏览2360次 文字大小:


      Hunter董事会主席Ann Hunter-Welborn表示:“我们一直注重公司对灌溉行业及园林行业带来的影响。现在,我们遇到这样的机遇,可以提高我们对环境的影响能力。我们不但致力于明智用水,我们还要做到所有资源都得到最佳利用。这是一项重任,我们的首份报告是基准,为我们立即行动起来提供大量讯息。”


Hunter Releases First Corporate Social Responsibility ReportSan Marcos, CA (PRWEB) April 23, 2013亨特实业 Hunter industry

Hunter announces the completion of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report. Researchers spent over a year measuring Hunter's seven major social and environmental impacts: climate change and energy, water use, product responsibility, waste, community, employees, and human rights in supply chain. These measurements will provide internal and external stakeholders with a glimpse inside Hunter's operations and an understanding of what they are working towards as an organization.

The report shows that Hunter's employee population is healthier in 2012 than they were in 2011, community partnerships are thriving, and the company was successful in returning 3 acres of disturbed environment to native habitat at their corporate headquarters. It also assisted Hunter decision-makers to set the goals of a 90% diversion rate of waste to landfill by 2017, surveying their top 40 suppliers on human rights by 2013, and increasing their supervisors' leadership and management training to 8 hours per year by 2014.

"We have long been aware of our impact on the irrigation industry and the landscape industry in general," States Ann Hunter-Welborn, chair of Hunter's board of directors. "Now we have an opportunity to improve the quality of our impact on the environment. We not only commit to using water wisely, we intend to make the best use of all resources. This is a heavy responsibility and this - our first report - is our baseline, providing a great deal of information on which we can immediately act."

The information in the report is accessible to all stakeholders - employees, customers, suppliers, and shareholders alike by visiting hunterindustries.com/sustainability. The challenges are clear, and they demand cutting-edge solutions. Hunter will continue to measure their performance and work towards even better results for the future.

About Hunter Industries 
Hunter Industries is a global manufacturer of products for the irrigation, landscape lighting, and custom molding sectors. Founded in 1981, the family-owned company offers over 1,000 products including a complete spectrum of water-efficient solutions for residential and high-end irrigation systems. Hunter's core mission always has and always will remain the same: to produce innovative products of the highest quality and back them with unwavering customer support.


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